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As customer expectations continue to rise, your ability to respond to and exceed those expectations needs to follow the same upward trend.

That’s why robust call monitoring for contact centres is becoming a non-negotiable, and AI-driven, automated call monitoring tools are becoming a must-have.  

Automated Call Monitoring summarises the findings of 100% of the calls your agents take and make, giving you visibility over what happens after every “ring-ring” without the need to spend hours listening in.  

Contact centre leaders are faced with the balancing act of ensuring service and compliance are on-point and ensuring sales targets are consistently hit. Because you get full visibility over what happens on every inbound and outbound call, keeping on top is super quick and easy.  

In this Call Monitoring cheat sheet, we share tips and insights that will help you nail your Call Monitoring process and get AI working for you. We talk about:  

  • Identifying what is and isn’t working on calls to drive more positive outcomes  
  • Get granular with individual agent performance and nail training    
  • Being able to save a ton of time while also getting your hands on invaluable insights  
  • Quickly spotting compliance issues so you can quickly put corrective measures in place  

Key takeaways


46% of consumers have been left feeling disappointed after calling a business – and they’ll vote with their feet when that’s the case.


There are a ton of insights trapped in your call data that you can leverage to drive better customer experience – don’t ignore it!


Nip compliance issues in the bud with great agent training so you never end up in hot water or with a hefty fine.

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